Energy Efficiency 

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Energy Use Index

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Energy Solutions

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energy audit

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Comprehensive Energy Audits

Aenon Solar and Electric is not in business just to sell solar power systems.  Sometimes, solar PV systems will not work for your specific location or application.  We are trained, certified, and ready to help you find ways to save money in all your residential and commercial needs.

Energy Efficiency

We can offer designs and solutions to maximize your home or business’s energy efficiency to maximize the amount of money you have available to do all the things you really want to do!

energy use index

Part of an energy audit for your home or business is to identify all the places and items that are consuming energy, sometimes the most unexpected actions and equipment is costing you more money in usage than you know!

Energy solutions

Solar PV power and battery backup is a great way to start lowering your electricity bill, but there is so much more!  Aenon will show you how money you can save with a wide variety of improvements to your property!

Energy audit

An energy audit for your home or business will show us the best steps to take for a comprehensive solution to lower your energy bills.  This is a comprehensive look at streamlining all the processes and equipment for savings!

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